About Us
We are investing in sustainable projects and companies
There is no planet B. And planet A is in a bad condition right now. So it’s time to do something about it. We are supporting companies, having a sustainable busines plan and supporting the world wide accepted Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Our fokus is technology and forrestry for reducing our CO2 footprint. But there are certainly more interesting ideas out there..
We are offering investments and our know how in running successful businesses. Sustainable Development GoalsThere is a lot of potential in forestry
Irland – Paradise for Trees
Trees are growing twice as fast in ireland compared to germay. Unfortunately there is not much sustainable forestry following the Continous Coverage Forestry (CCF) principles. We want to change that.
Sustainable Forestry in IrelandStandard Investments
Wind- and Solar Energy
Solar- and Wind Energy are the way to go for a CO2 reduced environment. Hence we are also investing in standard solar and wind projects.
HEP Solar Entwicklungs GmbHStoring Energy is Key to our Future.
Energy Storage
There are many ideas to store energy. A most intriguing idea however is to use simple cheap steel for storing heat up to 700 degrees, whenever there is to much energy from solar or wind generators in the grid. Lumenion is a pioneer in this field.
Storing Heat using SteelIt’s a natural Miracle
Active Charcoal
Active charcoal is a fascinating material. There are hundreds of use cases for it. Creating it from bio waste takes out a lot of CO2 fom our environment und produces a very valuable material you can use in farming, filtering, feeding, etc.
Circular Carbon